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Head First C Sharp: The Best Book for Beginners to Master C#, .NET Core, and Visual Studio

Head First C Sharp ebook download

If you want to learn C# and create apps, user interfaces, games, and more using this powerful and versatile programming language, then you need a good book that can teach you the fundamentals and beyond. And what better book than Head First C Sharp, a fun and highly visual introduction to C#, .NET Core, and Visual Studio?

Head First C Sharp Ebook Download

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In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know about this amazing book, including what you'll learn from it, what makes it so special, how to get it, and how to use it. We'll also show you some of the extra resources that come with the book, such as video walkthroughs, downloadable project PDFs, Unity Labs, and bonus chapters. And we'll give you some troubleshooting tips in case you run into any problems along the way.

So let's get started!

What will you learn from this book?

Head First C Sharp is a learner's guide to real-world programming with C# and .NET Core. It covers C# 8.0 and Visual Studio 2019, and it teaches you how to build a fully functional game in the opening chapter. Then you'll learn how to use classes and object-oriented programming, create 3D games in Unity, and query data with LINQ. And you'll do it all by solving puzzles, doing hands-on exercises, and building real-world applications.

By the time you're done, you'll be a solid C# programmer who can:

  • Create apps for Windows using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  • Build web applications using ASP.NET Core

  • Develop cross-platform mobile apps using Xamarin.Forms

  • Make games and simulations using Unity

  • Work with data using Entity Framework Core and LINQ

  • Use advanced features such as delegates, lambda expressions, generics, exceptions, async/await, and more

What's so special about this book?

Head First C Sharp is not your typical programming book. It's based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, and it uses a visually rich format to engage your mind rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. It's designed for the way your brain really works.

Here are some of the things that make this book different from other books:

  • It uses stories, metaphors, analogies, pictures, diagrams, and humor to make the concepts stick.

  • It challenges you with puzzles, quizzes, exercises, and projects that make you think and apply what you learn.

  • It encourages you to explore, experiment, and discover things for yourself rather than spoon-feeding you the answers.

  • It helps you retain what you learn by repeating and reinforcing the most important points throughout the book.

  • It adapts to your personal learning style and pace, and lets you choose your own path through the book.

How to get Head First C Sharp

There are two ways to get Head First C Sharp: you can download the ebook or buy the print version. Here are the pros and cons of each option:



  • Pros: cheaper, instant access, searchable, portable, environmentally friendly

  • Cons: requires a device and an app to read, may cause eye strain, may not support all features of the book

  • Pros: easier to read, supports all features of the book, more durable, can be shared or resold

  • Cons: more expensive, takes time to ship, heavier, takes up space, uses paper and ink

To download the ebook, you can visit one of these websites:

  • O'Reilly Media: You can read it online on the O'Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial or buy it as a DRM-free PDF, EPUB, or MOBI file.

  • Amazon: You can buy it as a Kindle ebook and read it on any device with the Kindle app.

  • You can buy it as a PDF or EPUB ebook and read it on any device with an ebook reader app.

To buy the print version, you can visit one of these websites:

  • O'Reilly Media: You can buy it directly from the publisher and get free shipping in the US.

  • Amazon: You can buy it from the largest online retailer and get free shipping with Prime.

  • Barnes & Noble: You can buy it from the largest bookstore chain in the US and get free shipping with membership.

Video walkthroughs

If you want to see how the authors of Head First C Sharp explain and demonstrate some of the concepts and projects in the book, you can watch their video walkthroughs on their GitHub page. They have recorded videos for each chapter and each Unity Lab, and they show you how to use Visual Studio, write code, debug errors, and run your programs. They also give you tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the book.

To watch the video walkthroughs, go to and click on the link for the chapter or lab that you want to watch. You can also find links to the videos at the end of each chapter or lab in the book.

How to use the code in this repository to follow along with the book

If you want to run the code examples and projects that are in the book, you can download them from the GitHub repository of Head First C Sharp. The repository contains source code, downloadable PDFs, graphics, and additional files for all of the projects in the book. You can use them to follow along with the book or modify them as you wish.

To use the code in this repository, follow these steps:

```html /fourth-edition and click on the green "Code" button. Then click on "Download ZIP" to download all of the code as a ZIP file.

  • Extract the ZIP file to a folder on your computer. You should see a folder named "fourth-edition-master" that contains all of the files and folders from the repository.

  • Open Visual Studio and click on "Open a project or solution". Navigate to the folder where you extracted the ZIP file and find the project that you want to open. For example, if you want to open the project for Chapter 1, go to "fourth-edition-master/Code/Chapter_1/AnimalMatchingGame". You should see a file named "AnimalMatchingGame.sln". Double-click on it to open the project in Visual Studio.

  • Once the project is loaded, you can run it by clicking on the green "Start" button or pressing F5. You should see the program running in a new window. You can also edit the code, add breakpoints, watch variables, and use other debugging tools in Visual Studio.

  • If you want to open another project, you can close the current one by clicking on "File" and then "Close Solution". Then repeat steps 3 and 4 for the project that you want to open.

Downloadable project PDFs

In addition to the projects that are in the book, there are also some downloadable project PDFs that you can use for more practice and learning. These PDFs contain instructions and code for creating more apps, games, and simulations using C#, .NET Core, and Visual Studio. They also cover some topics that are not in the book, such as using databases, web services, and Azure.

To download the project PDFs, go to and click on the link for the project that you want to download. You can also find links to the PDFs at the end of each chapter in the book.

Here are some of the downloadable project PDFs that you can find:

  • Chapter 1: Build a calculator app

  • Chapter 2: Build a trivia app

  • Chapter 3: Build a comic strip app

  • Chapter 4: Build a card game app

  • Chapter 5: Build a weather app

  • Chapter 6: Build a movie database app

  • Chapter 7: Build a music player app

  • Chapter 8: Build a text adventure game

  • Chapter 9: Build a chatbot app

  • Chapter 10: Build a space invaders game

  • Chapter 11: Build a tic-tac-toe game

  • Chapter 12: Build a snake game

  • Chapter 13: Build a flappy bird game

  • Chapter 14: Build a breakout game

  • Chapter 15: Build a platformer game

  • Chapter 16: Build a tower defense game

  • Chapter 17: Build a racing game

  • Chapter 18: Build a VR game

  • Appendix A: Use databases with Entity Framework Core

  • Appendix B: Use web services with ASP.NET Core

  • Appendix C: Use Azure with C# and .NET Core

Unity Labs

If you want to create 3D games and simulations using C# and Unity, you can follow the Unity Labs that are in the book. The Unity Labs are special chapters that teach you how to use Unity, a popular game engine and development platform that lets you create interactive experiences for various platforms and devices. The Unity Labs show you how to use C# scripts to control your Unity scenes and objects, and how to use Unity features such as physics, lighting, animations, UI, audio, and more.

To do the Unity Labs, you need to install Unity Hub and Unity on your computer. You also need to download the Unity projects from the GitHub repository of Head First C Sharp. The repository contains all of the assets and code that you need for the Unity Labs, as well as some additional Unity Labs that are not in the book.

To install Unity Hub and Unity, follow these steps:

  • Go to and click on the button that says "Download Unity Hub". This will download the installer for Unity Hub, which is a tool that lets you manage your Unity installations and projects.

  • Run the installer and follow the instructions to install Unity Hub on your computer.

  • Open Unity Hub and click on the "Installs" tab. Then click on the "ADD" button to add a new Unity version. You should see a list of available versions to download. Choose the one that matches the version that is used in the book, which is 2019.4.18f1. If you don't see it, click on the "Official Releases" tab and scroll down until you find it. Then click on the "NEXT" button.

  • You should see a list of components that you can install with Unity. Make sure that the following components are checked: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019, Android Build Support, iOS Build Support, WebGL Build Support, Windows Build Support (IL2CPP), Mac Build Support (Mono), and Linux Build Support (Mono). Then click on the "NEXT" button.

  • You should see a summary of the installation details. Click on the "DONE" button to start downloading and installing Unity. This may take some time depending on your internet speed and computer performance.

  • Once the installation is complete, you should see a green check mark next to the Unity version that you installed. You can now use this version to open and run the Unity projects.

To download the Unity projects, follow these steps:

  • Go to and click on the green "Code" button. Then click on "Download ZIP" to download all of the code as a ZIP file.

  • Extract the ZIP file to a folder on your computer. You should see a folder named "fourth-edition-master" that contains all of the files and folders from the repository.

  • Go to the folder named "Unity_Labs" inside the "fourth-edition-master" folder. You should see several subfolders named after the Unity Labs, such as "Unity_Lab_1", "Unity_Lab_2", and so on. Each subfolder contains a Unity project that you can open and run.

To open a Unity project, follow these steps:

  • Open Unity Hub and click on the "Projects" tab. Then click on the "ADD" button to add a new project.

  • Navigate to the folder where you extracted the ZIP file and find the subfolder for the Unity Lab that you want to open. For example, if you want to open the project for Unity Lab 1, go to "fourth-edition-master/Unity_Labs/Unity_Lab_1". You should see a folder named "Assets" and a file named "ProjectSettings.asset". Select this folder and click on the "Open" button.

  • You should see the project added to your list of projects in Unity Hub. Click on it to open it in Unity. You may see a message saying that the project needs to be upgraded or imported. Click on the "Confirm" button to proceed.

  • Once the project is loaded, you should see the Unity Editor window with several panels and tabs. You can use these tools to explore and modify your project. You can also run your project by clicking on the play button at the top center of the window.

  • If you want to open another project, you can close the current one by clicking on "File" and then "Close Project". Then repeat steps 3 and 4 for the project that you want to open.

Bonus chapters

```html the book, such as using databases, web services, and Azure. They also provide more exercises and projects for you to practice your skills.

To access the bonus chapters, go to and click on the link for the chapter that you want to read. You can also find links to the bonus chapters at the end of each chapter in the book.

Here are some of the bonus chapters that you can find:

  • Chapter 19: Use databases with Entity Framework Core

  • Chapter 20: Use web services with ASP.NET Core

  • Chapter 21: Use Azure with C# and .NET Core

  • Chapter 22: Use reflection and dynamic types

  • Chapter 23: Use attributes and code analysis

  • Chapter 24: Use unsafe code and pointers

  • Chapter 25: Use delegates and events

  • Chapter 26: Use generics and collections

  • Chapter 27: Use threads and tasks

  • Chapter 28: Use async and await

  • Chapter 29: Use exceptions and error handling

  • Chapter 30: Use serialization and encryption

Troubleshooting tips

If you encounter any problems or errors while using Head First C Sharp, don't panic. There are usually simple solutions that can fix them. Here are some of the common issues that you may face and how to solve them:

If you get an "Index was out of range" error or a "Debugger operation failed" error in Chapter 1...

This may happen if you have a high-resolution display or a scaling setting that is not 100%. To fix this, you need to adjust the DPI settings for Visual Studio. Here's how:

  • Right-click on the Visual Studio icon on your desktop or taskbar and select "Properties".

  • Click on the "Compatibility" tab and then click on the "Change high DPI settings" button.

  • Check the box that says "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:" and select "System" from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on "OK" and then "Apply".

  • Restart Visual Studio and run your project again.

If your timer is going slowly in Chapter 1...

This may happen if you have a high-performance CPU that is throttling down when it's not busy. To fix this, you need to change the power plan settings for your computer. Here's how:

  • Open the Control Panel and click on "Hardware and Sound". Then click on "Power Options".

  • Select the "High performance" power plan or create a new one with the same name.

  • Click on "Change plan settings" and then "Change advanced power settings".

  • Expand the "Processor power management" section and then the "Minimum processor state" section.

  • Set both the "On battery" and "Plugged in" values to 100%.

  • Click on "OK" and then "Save changes".

  • Restart Visual Studio and run your project again.

If you get a "The project file cannot be opened by this version of the application" error when opening a Unity project...

This may happen if you have a different version of Unity than the one that is used in the book, which is 2019.4.18f1. To fix this, you need to install the correct version of Unity using Unity Hub. Here's how:

  • Open Unity Hub and click on the "Installs" tab. Then click on the "ADD" button to add a new Unity version.

  • You should see a list of available versions to download. Choose the one that matches the version that is used in the book, which is 2019.4.18f1. If you don't see it, click on the "Official Releases" tab and scroll down until you find it. Then click on the "NEXT" button.

  • You should see a list of components that you can install with Unity. Make sure that the following components are checked: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019, Android Build Support, iOS Build Support, WebGL Build Support, Windows Build Support (IL2CPP), Mac Build Support (Mono), and Linux Build Support (Mono). Then click on the "NEXT" button.

  • You should see a summary of the installation details. Click on the "DONE" button to start downloading and installing Unity. This may take some time depending on your internet speed and computer performance.

  • Once the installation is complete, you should see a green check mark next to the Unity version that you installed. You can now use this version to open and run the Unity projects.

If you have any other problems or errors...

Don't worry, there are more resources that can help you. You can:

  • Check the GitHub page of Head First C Sharp for updates, bug fixes, and solutions:

  • Visit the official website of Head First C Sharp for more information, tips, and links:

  • Contact the authors of Head First C Sharp by email or Twitter: or @headfirstcsharp

  • Join the online community of Head First C Sharp readers and learners on Discord:

  • Search online for answers on websites such as Stack Overflow, MSDN, or Unity Forums.

Conclusion and FAQs

We hope that this article has given you a good overview of Head First C Sharp and how to use it to learn C# and .NET Core. This book is a great way to start your journey as a C# programmer and create amazing apps, games, and more. It's fun, engaging, and effective, and it will help you master the concepts and skills that you need.

If you're ready to dive into Head First C Sharp, you can download the ebook or buy the print version from one of the websites that we mentioned earlier. You can also access the video walkthroughs, the code examples, the downloadable project PDFs, the Unity Labs, and the bonus chapters from the GitHub page of Head First C Sharp. And don't forget to check


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